Welcome to my corner..

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Hi, I'm Fressia and this is my corner..

I'm always making something, I am a compulsive crafter...crochetting, knitting, painting, beading, betonggjutning... and I like to recycle too..

I have many ideas and projects.. some of them come to be.... I have loads to share. Others are still waiting.. inside my head... or unfinished in a shelf...

Not everything here is my own design, and when I post somebody's else's idea or creation, I'll give the credit to he/she who deserves it.

November 27, 2010


Well, alea jacta est.

I started this blogg more than a year ago.. it has taken me a lot of time to finally come out with something published.
I've changed and changed stuff, never happy with how it looks, what I wrote or how to put it.. or the picture... or... running endlessly and chasing my own tail.. biting it off and starting again...

..but now it's done.
I have made lots of things and taken many pictures, but never brought myself to finally klicking the publishing button...
I did it today.
I will share the stuff I made... my creations and crafts in flashbacks... I think I'll start with last xmas and winter..
..på återseende..

crochet heart

this is my newest heart for this xmas, my own design, and I'm still writting down the pattern instructions... must do, or it will be hard to do another one...
not sure if it'll hang from my tree or if I'll give it away...
GRUNNEBOs Virkgarn 8/4 525.